Don’t miss the opportunity to…
Stop leaking & Restore pelvic floor functions
Heal your Diastasis Recti & Flatten your tummy
Alleviate back pain & Increase your well-being
Regardless if you're 8 weeks or 30 years postpartum!
Discover how Thousands of Mothers have transformed their Core & Pelvic Floor!
Feel & See the Changes you are looking for…
You are not alone - Start your journey today!
frequently asked questions
Follow-along videos - more than 120 different exercises!
6 weeks of workouts - designed with busy Moms in mind (10-35 min daily workouts)
Fully laid out calendar telling you exactly what to do each day
Comprehensive Education Material - so nothing will be left out
Nutrition recommendations to implement into your daily life and free recipes based on REAL food
Everything is hosted on a learning platform that you can access from your phone, Ipad, laptop…
Opportunity to get your breathing technique reviewed and corrected by Julie so you can practice confidently.
Opportunity to access the next private Facebook group and Julie’s daily support.
I try to keep things as inexpensive and simple as possible. Here's a short list of the equipment we'll be using.
a yoga mat
a little 8 or 9-inch inflatable Pilates ball (or pillow, or stuffed animal!)
a yoga strap (or belt, or scarf)
2 yoga blocks (or pillows)
I'm committed to helping you achieve the best results! You’ll have to opportunity to send me a video to ensure your core breathing technique is correct and kickstart the program with confidence.
I have a Master’s Degree in Sports Science, and have been educated by some of the finest Pre and Postnatal Specialists in the US and Europe.
You’ll benefit from all my years of study and working with Mothers, developing techniques and core/pelvic floor exercises to heal Diastasis Recti, improve pelvic floor function, promote a healthy Motherhood, active life, sex-life, and self-confidence.
You won’t find common exercises such as leg slides or pelvic tilts. I offer a vast range of innovative exercises to challenge your core in every dimension.
You’ll have access to it for the lifetime of the program! I have no plans to limit the access.
Yes! I help Moms from around the world. Everything is pre-recorded, so you can log in whenever is convenient for you.
Get back on track - Feeling great & Supported
Over the last few years, thousands of Moms from around the world have reported:
a flatter stomach
stronger core
improved pelvic floor function
reduced back pain
better sex
increased knowledge about their body
as well as feeling sexier and more self-confident overall!
Many of them love the program so much that they’ve requested a Follow-up program and keep living it!
Let’s add your success story to the list
Additional programs:
Exercise after Childbirth - From Birth to 8 Weeks PP
Return to Running after Baby - 16-week Running Plan + a blend of Strength and Impact training
Monthly Membership - Full-Body Strength training