Did you know that some degree of abdominal separation occurs in 100% of pregnant women during the third trimester - regardless of fitness level, baby size, or weight!?
So when a client recently shared: "My cousin did your pregnancy program and came out of having twins with no Diastasis Recti! Her Doctor said it's the best they had ever seen."
What does this mean? Let’s dig into it!
Let’s explore 4 Tips to prevent Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti during Pregnancy
If you need a quick refresher, know that a Diastasis Recti is defined as an abdominal separation of the rectus abdominis muscle of greater than 2.5 cm anywhere above, at or below your belly button. This abdominal separation occurs by a stretching of the linea alba, which is a thin piece of connective tissue that connects the two halves of your rectus abdominis muscle.
The two sides of the ab muscles drift apart as the uterus grows and the linea alba stretches. This ab midline, made of connective tissue, is designed to stretch!
It’s nature’s way of accommodating the growing baby and limiting harmful pressure in the Mother’s abdomen.
And it's totally possible to experience some ab separation while maintaining a functional core during pregnancy!
This happens when the linea alba loses its integrity, and the core system ceases to function properly - not providing adequate support to the back and belly.
This is the condition that most people commonly refer to as simply “Diastasis Recti”.
Let's explore how you can take proactive steps to protect your core and connective tissue!
4 tips to Prevent Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti During Pregnancy
Tip #1 - Prevent Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti during Pregnancy
As your pregnancy advances, your posture may easily shift into a swayback.
This happens for several reasons:
You have more weight to carry, which means that your body has to work harder to distribute the load.
Your abdominal muscles become stretched and weaker.
Your back arches more because your pelvis pushes forward and strains the muscles and ligaments in the back.
Your breasts become heavier.
Hormonal changes can also make your joints looser as your body grows.
By practicing body awareness and exercising proactively during pregnancy, you can significantly reduce the risk of losing core connection, and feel more comfortable as your baby grows.
Your pregnancy fitness program should target glute, back, and shoulder strength, as well as deep core work and mobility exercises.
Note that I’ve included an alignment tutorial video in the Pregnancy program.
Tip #2 - Prevent Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti During Pregnancy
While you breathe all day without thinking about it, the way you breathe at rest greatly impacts the function of your core and pelvic floor.
How you breathe helps you manage pressure inside your abdomen - which is key… because a dysfunctional Diastasis Recti is a pressure-related injury!
As your growing baby takes up more and more space, the pressure inside your abdomen increases.
The goal is to maintain a good 360-degree expansion on the inhale to distribute pressure evenly.
So search for an expansion all the way around, in the sides, front, and back as you breathe in.
You can find a breathing tutorial video in the Pregnancy program.
Tip #3 - Prevent Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti during Pregnancy.
It’s essential to focus on your deep core muscles, like the transverse abdominis, rather than superficial ones.
Core breathing exercises are perfect during pregnancy because they strengthen your core muscles without causing strain.
By maintaining proper core connection, you can enhance your comfort, alignment, and strength throughout your pregnancy.
I’ve included a core breathing tutorial video in the Pregnancy program.
Tip #4 - Prevent Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti during Pregnancy
Thoracic spine and rib cage mobility play a crucial role in your ability to maintain core connection, good breathing patterns, and good alignment.
That’s why I’ve included so many mobility exercises in the pregnancy program!
Preventing your midback and rib cage from stiffening helps prevent a hinge point in the mid-back and excessive rib flare - which could strain your abdominal muscles.
Incorporate thoracic mobility exercises, such as gentle rotations, flexion/extension, and side flexions, into your routine.
These movements promote well-being and help better distribute intra-abdominal pressure - reducing the likelihood of undue stress on your ab midline.
so… Can 100% of expecting women maintain a functional core during pregnancy?
No. Twin pregnancy, excessive or rapid weight gain, age, and genetic factors also play a role.
But let’s control what’s controllable!
Optimizing the way you move, breathe, and exercise during pregnancy has a huge impact on the outcome, and gives you the best chance to avoid a Dysfunctional Diastasis Recti.
A pregnancy workout program should involve SO much more than just squatting, “doing your kegels” and adapting whatever activities you were doing pre-pregnancy.
This is the perfect time to reconnect to your core - in every essence of the term!
Get all the tools you need to:
✔ Maintain Core and Pelvic Floor Integrity • Give yourself the best chance to avoid common pregnancy injuries such as pelvic organ prolapse or dysfucntional Diastasis Recti.
✔ Train your Body for Pregnancy and Birth • Enjoy your workouts, feeling safe and guided throughout each trimester.
✔ Prevent or Ease Aches and Pains • Be proactive to prevent or alleviate common aches, pains, and discomforts associated with pregnancy.
✔ Feel Empowered and Confident • Navigate pregnancy fitness & nutrition without worry or doubts.