6 Steps to Overcome Running Leaks After Baby

Leaking is taboo, it’s embarrassing… but it’s also very common and misunderstood – and it’s not normal! You might feel that you’ve done all the Kegels you can and are still leaking when running… and there’s a reason why. Leaking indicates that the pressure inside your abdomen overloads your core system, and no Kegel can fix this. Kegels don’t train your body to resume running leak-free.

I was once in your shoes, and black leggings had become my normal to hide leaking… but I was determined to stop my pelvic floor struggle from limiting my life! I dove deep into core rehabilitation and fitness for women, and managed to overcome my pelvic floor issues. Now, I run leak-free and help thousands of moms do the same.

Let me share the 6-step workout progression that allowed me, and now my clients, to overcome leaking while running:

  • Start your journey by working on your core connection and intra-abdominal pressure control.

    Alignment and diaphragmatic breathing are the two fundamental factors for running leak-free.

    And while these non-sexy basics may sound like a detour on the path to achieving your running goals, they’re actually the shortcut!

  • Your core and pelvic floor were deeply impacted by pregnancy and childbirth.

    In order to rebuild full-body strength, generate power, and tolerate impact without leaking, you have to rehab and retrain your core muscles:

    Think of your core as a stable base that allows your arms and legs to perform powerful movements.

    • Practice core breathing exercises in different positions.

    • Incorporate plank variations as well.

    • Gradually increasing the challenge.

  • Lay a solid foundation and overall strength to prepare your body for higher-intensity movement.

    • Continue core training

    • Strengthen hips and glutes

    • Improve single-leg strength and balance,

    • Include resistance bands and light dumbbells.

  • Include exercises like:

    • rising onto the balls of your feet,

    • and simulating jumping without leaving the ground.

  • Deceleration exercises are essential to improving your ability to control and absorb impacts, key to resuming running without leaking.

  • Progressively incorporate low-amplitude jumping exercises into your training to condition your body for running.

Don’t skip the steps, as this will only slow your progress. Tune inward and keep a vigilant eye out for any signs of pelvic heaviness, discomfort, or leaking during your workouts.

Not following a program (or following the wrong program) will only slow down your progress. Instead, choose a program designed for where you are and where you want to go.

Check out our Online Programs

Leaking is so common that it makes moms believe this is something they just have to accept as part of the motherhood package. But leaking is treatable, and every mom deserves to regain confidence in their pelvic floor.

Improving your alignment, breathing, and strength takes time and dedication. There are no “quick fixes” or deadlines, but it will lead to life-changing improvement.

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